Image of Rwanda Rwinkwavu NCD clinic gene

• Ethiopian Cardiologists Attend Knowledge Exchange

In June 2015, with support from Friends of CHFE and the NGO Partners in Health, two cardiologists and a representative of the Federal Ministry of Health from Ethiopia attended a meeting in Rwanda to participate in a knowledge exchange focused on two themes.  

   — They visited Rwinkwavu District Hospital and discussed Rwanda’s model for scaling up integrated services for complex chronic care services such as post-cardiac surgery follow-up, echocardiography, heart failure, anti-coagulation, and pain management.

   — They met with representatives from Ministries of Health from six African countries to discuss innovations in monitoring and evaluation for integrated health services including cardiovascular care.

Ethiopian pediatric cardiologist Prof. Abraham Haileamlak of Jimma University and cardiologist Dr. Dejuma Yadeta of University of Addis Ababa attended.  They are both involved in the Friends of CHFE-supported research study on the burden of cardiovascular disease in Ethiopia, including children with rheumatic heart disease.

The knowledge exchange was an activity of NCD Synergies, an initiative of Partners In Health, that works to eliminate preventable deaths and suffering due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries among the poor and hardest to reach.